WooCommerce Problem - Not Tracking

Hi, 'im having problem with tracking in woocommerce.

I’ve created a local installation for woocommerce and piwik for testing, as my production server is having the same problem.
Tested all variations of tracking, and just e-commerce isnt tracking for me.

I’ve activated piwik debug and created a goal.
The goal its tracking nice, but i dont see any info in debug that is sending ecommerce information. The tags for ecommerce are informed as you can see below the

also i have a double slash at this URL, and tracking URLS
Could this be a problem? I’ve tried to reset plugin config but wp-piwik keeps inserting slash at the end of piwik URL.


Debug enabled - Input parameters: <br/>array ( 'action_name' => 'Pedido recebido | Cielo Tester', 'idsite' => '1', 'rec' => '1', 'r' => '077454', 'h' => '12', 'm' => '29', 's' => '39', 'url' => 'http://localhost/wordpress2/?page_id=14&order=41&key=order_5198ef9a5e328', '_id' => '54db3e76cf4bb257', '_idts' => '1368974578', '_idvc' => '1', '_idn' => '0', '_refts' => '0', '_viewts' => '1368974578', 'pdf' => '1', 'qt' => '1', 'realp' => '0', 'wma' => '1', 'dir' => '1', 'fla' => '1', 'java' => '1', 'gears' => '0', 'ag' => '1', 'cookie' => '1', 'res' => '1920x1080', )
Loading plugins: { Provider,Goals,DoNotTrack,UserCountry }
Current datetime: 2013-05-19 15:29:46
(this is not a Site Search request)
Before was "http://localhost/wordpress2/?page_id=14&order=41&key=order_5198ef9a5e328"
After is "http://localhost/wordpress2/?page_id=14&order=41&key=order_5198ef9a5e328"
Action is a Page URL, Action name = Pedido recebido | Cielo Tester, Action URL = http://localhost/wordpress2/?page_id=14&order=41&key=order_5198ef9a5e328
COOKIE _pk_uid, rows count: 0, cookie size = 0 bytes array ( )
Matching visitors with: visitorId=54db3e76cf4bb257 OR configId=ddf665ca31c771c7
The visitor is known (idvisitor = 54db3e76cf4bb257, config_id = ddf665ca31c771c7, idvisit = 1, last action = Sun, 19 May 2013 15:29:39 +0000, first action = Sun, 19 May 2013 14:42:58 +0000, visit_goal_buyer' = 0)
Visit is known (IP =
Updating existing visit: array ( 'visit_exit_idaction_name' => 1, 'visit_exit_idaction_url' => 21, 'visit_last_action_time' => '2013-05-19 15:29:46', 'visit_total_time' => 2810, 'visit_goal_converted' => 1, 'idvisitor' => '54db3e76cf4bb257', 'visit_goal_buyer' => '0', )
array (
  'idvisit' => '1',
  'idsite' => 1,
  'idvisitor' => 'TÛ>vÏK²W',
  'server_time' => '2013-05-19 15:29:46',
  'idaction_url' => '21',
  'idaction_name' => 1,
  'idaction_url_ref' => '21',
  'idaction_name_ref' => '1',
  'time_spent_ref_action' => 7,
- Goal 1 matched. Recording...
array (
  'idvisit' => '1',
  'idsite' => 1,
  'idvisitor' => '54db3e76cf4bb257',
  'server_time' => '2013-05-19 15:29:46',
  'location_country' => 'br',
  'visitor_returning' => '0',
  'visitor_days_since_first' => '0',
  'visitor_days_since_order' => '0',
  'visitor_count_visits' => '1',
  'referer_type' => '1',
  'referer_name' => '',
  'referer_keyword' => '',
  'referer_visit_server_date' => '2013-05-19',
  'idgoal' => '1',
  'url' => 'http://localhost/wordpress2/?page_id=14&order=41&key=order_5198ef9a5e328',
  'revenue' => '10',
  'idaction_url' => '21',
  'idlink_va' => '63',
  'buster' => 1368977386,
COOKIE _pk_uid, rows count: 0, cookie size = 0 bytes array ( )
-> Scheduled tasks not triggered.
Next run will be from: 2013-05-19 15:42:58 UTC
Nothing to notice => default behaviour
End of the page.
array (
Time elapsed: 0.104s


<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
	try {
		// Add order items
				"MEUSKU22",			// (required) SKU: Product unique identifier
				"esad",					// (optional) Product name
				"",	// (optional) Product category. You can also specify an array of up to 5 categories eg. ["Books", "New releases", "Biography"]
				321.00,	// (recommended) Product price
				1 						// (optional, default to 1) Product quantity

		// Track order
			"#41",	// (required) Unique Order ID
			321.00,			// (required) Order Revenue grand total (includes tax, shipping, and subtracted discount)
			false,													// (optional) Order sub total (excludes shipping)
			0.00,		// (optional) Tax amount
			0.00,		// (optional) Shipping amount
			false 													// (optional) Discount offered (set to false for unspecified parameter)
	} catch( err ) {}

I hope to solve this as i’m using default wordpress, with woocommerce and twentty eleven theme. No extra plugins. Lastest version of all plugins.

I have the same problem.
You can see it live on handwertig.de

The request you put above is not an ecommerce tracking request.

An ecommerce request, triggered with trackEcommerceOrder, will contain the GET parameters idgoal=0 and ec_id=XXX (the orderId) etc