Blank screen on new install

I’m tring to install piwik on my server but after first page i got a blank screen.

No logs from error_log. Stuck at /index.php?action=systemCheck

Can you please try with latest beta: 301 Moved Permanently

Same problem even with 2.0-b5. If you want i can give you url in pm.

Found the problem.

It’s in

function checkIfFileSystemIsNFS()

It crash in
@exec($command, $output, $returnCode);

i don’t know why.

I’ve fix it just putting a return false; after declaration of function.

Installation and piwik work well now.

Can you please restore the line and remove the @ in front of it?

Then copy the error message here. It will help me fix the issue for other users as well

During install I get to step one (System Check) and all I get is a blank, white screen. I searched for the function mentioned in this thread, and I can’t find it. Any help would be appreciated.

Do you see any error in your server error logs?