Error with "trusted piwik hostname" website change

Hi everyone-

I made a change to the “trusted piwik hostname” site setting at the bottom of the general settings page and now my site won’t load. I was thinking there is a place to fix it in mysql database but could not find it. Any idea how I can fix this? :slight_smile:

See attached photo.

Anyone have an idea about how to fix this?

Here is full backtrace

There is an error. Please report the message (Piwik 2.0.3) and full backtrace in the Piwik forums (please do a Search first as it might have been reported already!).

Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Unknown modifier ‘/’ in /home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/core/Url.php on line 248

Backtrace -->

#0 Piwik\Error::errorHandler(…) called at [:]
#1 preg_match(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/core/Url.php:248]
#2 Piwik\Url::isValidHost(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/core/Url.php:294]
#3 Piwik\Url::getHost(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/core/Url.php:340]
#4 Piwik\Url::getCurrentHost(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/core/Url.php:69]
#5 Piwik\Url::getCurrentUrl(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/core/View.php:214]
#6 Piwik\View->render(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/plugins/Login/Controller.php:105]
#7 Piwik\Plugins\Login\Controller->login(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/plugins/Login/Controller.php:65]
#8 Piwik\Plugins\Login\Controller->index(…) called at [:]
#9 call_user_func_array(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/core/FrontController.php:117]
#10 Piwik\FrontController->dispatch(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/core/Plugin/Controller.php:742]
#11 Piwik\Plugin\Controller->redirectToIndex(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/plugins/CoreHome/Controller.php:57]
#12 Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Controller->redirectToCoreHomeIndex(…) called at [:]
#13 call_user_func_array(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/core/FrontController.php:117]
#14 Piwik\FrontController->dispatch(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/index.php:62]

Don’t add the slash / in your trusted_host, simply add the hostname without any slash

Don’t add the slash / in your trusted_host, simply add the hostname without any slash[/quote]

Where do I change this setting at? I can not login to piwik.

I made the change to config.php.ini but i still get an error and then this:

Error: You must call Zend_Session::regenerateId() before any output has been sent to the browser; output started in /home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/core/Log.php/455

what error?

what error?[/quote]


There is an error. Please report the message (Piwik 2.0.3) and full backtrace in the Piwik forums (please do a Search first as it might have been reported already!).

Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Unknown modifier ‘/’ in /home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/core/Url.php on line 248

Backtrace -->

#0 Piwik\Error::errorHandler(…) called at [:]
#1 preg_match(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/core/Url.php:248]
#2 Piwik\Url::isValidHost(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/core/Url.php:294]
#3 Piwik\Url::getHost(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/core/Url.php:340]
#4 Piwik\Url::getCurrentHost(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/core/Url.php:69]
#5 Piwik\Url::getCurrentUrl(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/core/View.php:214]
#6 Piwik\View->render(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/plugins/Login/Controller.php:105]
#7 Piwik\Plugins\Login\Controller->login(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/plugins/Login/Controller.php:65]
#8 Piwik\Plugins\Login\Controller->index(…) called at [:]
#9 call_user_func_array(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/core/FrontController.php:117]
#10 Piwik\FrontController->dispatch(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/core/Plugin/Controller.php:742]
#11 Piwik\Plugin\Controller->redirectToIndex(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/plugins/CoreHome/Controller.php:57]
#12 Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Controller->redirectToCoreHomeIndex(…) called at [:]
#13 call_user_func_array(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/core/FrontController.php:117]
#14 Piwik\FrontController->dispatch(…) called at [/home/sgolub/public_html/piwik/index.php:62]

What’s the content of your config.ini.php, the lines starting with trusted_host ? can you paste them here?

What’s the content of your config.ini.php, the lines starting with trusted_host ? can you paste them here?[/quote]

Her eyou go:

trusted_hosts[] = “

Plugins[] = "CorePluginsAdmin"
Plugins[] = "CoreAdminHome"
Plugins[] = "CoreHome"
Plugins[] = "CoreVisualizations"
Plugins[] = "Proxy"
Plugins[] = "API"
Plugins[] = "ExamplePlugin"
Plugins[] = "Widgetize"
Plugins[] = "Transitions"
Plugins[] = "LanguagesManager"
Plugins[] = "Actions"
Plugins[] = "Dashboard"
Plugins[] = "MultiSites"
Plugins[] = "Referrers"
Plugins[] = "UserSettings"
Plugins[] = "Goals"
Plugins[] = "SEO"
Plugins[] = "Events"
Plugins[] = "UserCountry"
Plugins[] = "VisitsSummary"
Plugins[] = "VisitFrequency"
Plugins[] = "VisitTime"
Plugins[] = "VisitorInterest"
Plugins[] = "ExampleAPI"
Plugins[] = "ExampleRssWidget"
Plugins[] = "Provider"
Plugins[] = "Feedback"
Plugins[] = "Login"
Plugins[] = "UsersManager"
Plugins[] = "SitesManager"
Plugins[] = "Installation"
Plugins[] = "CoreUpdater"
Plugins[] = "CoreConsole"
Plugins[] = "ScheduledReports"
Plugins[] = "UserCountryMap"
Plugins[] = "Live"
Plugins[] = "CustomVariables"
Plugins[] = "PrivacyManager"
Plugins[] = "ImageGraph"
Plugins[] = "DoNotTrack"
Plugins[] = "Annotations"
Plugins[] = "MobileMessaging"
Plugins[] = "Overlay"
Plugins[] = "SegmentEditor"
Plugins[] = "Morpheus"
Plugins[] = “Zeitgeist”

PluginsInstalled[] = "Login"
PluginsInstalled[] = "CoreAdminHome"
PluginsInstalled[] = "UsersManager"
PluginsInstalled[] = "SitesManager"
PluginsInstalled[] = "Installation"
PluginsInstalled[] = "CorePluginsAdmin"
PluginsInstalled[] = "CoreHome"
PluginsInstalled[] = "Proxy"
PluginsInstalled[] = "API"
PluginsInstalled[] = "Widgetize"
PluginsInstalled[] = "LanguagesManager"
PluginsInstalled[] = "Actions"
PluginsInstalled[] = "Dashboard"
PluginsInstalled[] = "MultiSites"
PluginsInstalled[] = "UserSettings"
PluginsInstalled[] = "Goals"
PluginsInstalled[] = "SEO"
PluginsInstalled[] = "UserCountry"
PluginsInstalled[] = "VisitsSummary"
PluginsInstalled[] = "VisitFrequency"
PluginsInstalled[] = "VisitTime"
PluginsInstalled[] = "VisitorInterest"
PluginsInstalled[] = "ExampleAPI"
PluginsInstalled[] = "ExamplePlugin"
PluginsInstalled[] = "ExampleRssWidget"
PluginsInstalled[] = "Provider"
PluginsInstalled[] = "Feedback"
PluginsInstalled[] = "CoreUpdater"
PluginsInstalled[] = "UserCountryMap"
PluginsInstalled[] = "Live"
PluginsInstalled[] = "CustomVariables"
PluginsInstalled[] = "PrivacyManager"
PluginsInstalled[] = "ImageGraph"
PluginsInstalled[] = "DoNotTrack"
PluginsInstalled[] = "Transitions"
PluginsInstalled[] = "Annotations"
PluginsInstalled[] = "MobileMessaging"
PluginsInstalled[] = "Overlay"
PluginsInstalled[] = "SegmentEditor"
PluginsInstalled[] = "CoreVisualizations"
PluginsInstalled[] = "Referrers"
PluginsInstalled[] = "Events"
PluginsInstalled[] = "CoreConsole"
PluginsInstalled[] = "ScheduledReports"
PluginsInstalled[] = "Zeitgeist"
PluginsInstalled[] = “Morpheus”

Plugins_Tracker[] = "Provider"
Plugins_Tracker[] = "Goals"
Plugins_Tracker[] = "UserCountry"
Plugins_Tracker[] = "UsersManager"
Plugins_Tracker[] = "SitesManager"
Plugins_Tracker[] = “PrivacyManager”

Thanks for the report! I fixed it in Warning: preg_match(): Unknown modifier '/' in Url.php on line 245 · Issue #4626 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub

Matt that absolutely worked. Thank you for your help. You may close this.