Visit count when using both image and js tracking

Hi Friends,
I’m still relatively new to Piwik. My fledgling little site had it’s highest visit count today, and I was just about to celebrate. But then I noticed, in the Visitor Location widget, that out of 17 countries represented, most showed 2 visits. Only 1 showed 1 visitor. Then I realized that most of the countries show an even number of visits.

I learned not too long ago, that the reason each visitor has 2 entries in the Visitor Log, is because of using both kinds of tracking. So my question is, does using both kinds of tracking essentially double your visitor count? I thought the Visitor Log was the only place where 2 entries represent 1 visit. But now I wonder if that affects ALL the stats?

If so, isn’t there some way to get a more accurate visit count, and still record all visits (js and image tracked)? I don’t mind the double listing in the Visitor Log. But it would be nice to have accurate visit stats.

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

[s]You can find it at this page: Log Analytics tool - Analytics Platform - Matomo

In the future, piwik will “merge” both log and js tracking.[/s]

Sorry , I got it wrong.
I just use js for tracking, it works fine enough.

I haven’t done any math on the subject, but it seems like approx 1 out of 10 visitors have javascript blocked. So using js tracking only means that I don’t know what they’re doing. So if it’s true that 1 visit from someone who has js enabled, results in 2 visits, in all the stats (when both methods are used), then neither tracking method creates accurate visit counts/stats.

If that’s true, I don’t understand why Piwik can’t adjust for that apparently double counting. I mean, can’t Piwik look and see which kind of visit was reported, and then adjust the visitor stats accordingly?

If somone could just answer this.

How can I configure Piwik to get at least a relatively accurate visit count?

Hi there.

Bumping this thread up. I just installed piwik and brought in my apache logs. I’m also seeing the double counting that brynn mentions. I understand the mechanics behind and why there is double counting. I’m just wondering if someone has found a work around solution for this. It’d be great if I could use my log as the history.
