Wrong currency and non working cron job after update to 2.2

I have several websites, which are using the ecommerce feature of piwik. In all of these websites, the currency was set tu EUR. But piwik still shows Dollar on the page “all websites”.

We have changed our cronjob to the latest version. We was using the archive.sh before. It seems everything is correctly configured, but this new cronjob doesn’t process any visits. We are currently forced to enable archiving during visitng reports. We get following output with no error:

INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:02] [18ff3] ---------------------------
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:02] [18ff3] INIT
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:02] [18ff3] Piwik is installed at: http://***/**/index.php
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:02] [18ff3] Running Piwik 2.2.0 as Super User
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:02] [18ff3] ---------------------------
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:02] [18ff3] NOTES
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:02] [18ff3] - If you execute this script at least once per hour (or more often) in a crontab, you may disable 'Browser trigger archiving' in Piwik UI > Settings > General Settings. 
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:02] [18ff3]   See the doc at: http://piwik.org/docs/setup-auto-archiving/
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:02] [18ff3] - Reports for today will be processed at most every 1800 seconds. You can change this value in Piwik UI > Settings > General Settings.
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:02] [18ff3] - Reports for the current week/month/year will be refreshed at most every 3600 seconds.
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:02] [18ff3] - Archiving was last executed without error 1 hours 0 min ago
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] - Will process 0 websites with new visits since 1 hours 0 min 
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] ---------------------------
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] START
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] Starting Piwik reports archiving...
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] Done archiving!
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] ---------------------------
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] SUMMARY
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] Total visits for today across archived websites: 0
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] Archived today's reports for 0 websites
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] Archived week/month/year for 0 websites
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] Skipped 12 websites: no new visit since the last script execution
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] Skipped 0 websites day archiving: existing daily reports are less than 1800 seconds old
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] Skipped 0 websites week/month/year archiving: existing periods reports are less than 3600 seconds old
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] Total API requests: 0
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] done: 0/0, 0 vtoday, 0 wtoday, 0 wperiods, 0 req, 18 ms, no error
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] Time elapsed: 0.018s
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] ---------------------------
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] SCHEDULED TASKS
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] Starting Scheduled tasks... 
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3]  No task to run
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] done
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-22 07:00:03] [18ff3] ---------------------------

This cronjob was configured for the apache user.

I’ve created a ticket for the currency issue:

About the cronjob problem, it seems the “new” way with “console core:archive” is broken. I changed it back to archive.php and its working again.

The option “–force-all-websites” work well

[root@vmwz ~]# sudo /app/php/vmwzI/bin/php /data/apache/STATS/console core:archive --url="http://*/*" --force-all-websites
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:47:05] [ca505] ---------------------------
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:47:05] [ca505] INIT
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:47:05] [ca505] Piwik is installed at: http://*/*/index.php
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:47:05] [ca505] Running Piwik 2.2.0 as Super User
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:47:05] [ca505] ---------------------------
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:47:05] [ca505] NOTES
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:47:05] [ca505] - Reports for today will be processed at most every 1800 seconds. You can change this value in Piwik UI > Settings > General Settings.
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:47:05] [ca505] - Reports for the current week/month/year will be refreshed at most every 3600 seconds.
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:47:05] [ca505] - Archiving was last executed without error 1 min 51s ago
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:47:06] [ca505] - Will process all 8 websites
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:47:06] [ca505] ---------------------------
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:47:06] [ca505] START
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:47:06] [ca505] Starting Piwik reports archiving...
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:47:17] [ca505] Archived website id = 2, period = day, 14055 visits in last 52 days, 118 visits today, Time elapsed: 11.006s
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:47:26] [ca505] Archived website id = 2, period = week, 2117 visits in last 2 weeks, 715 visits this week, Time elapsed: 9.632s
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:47:53] [ca505] Archived website id = 2, period = month, 14397 visits in last 2 months, 5924 visits this month, Time elapsed: 27.188s
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:48:07] [ca505] Archived website id = 2, period = year, 35145 visits in last 2 years, 27795 visits this year, Time elapsed: 13.965s
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:48:07] [ca505] Archived website id = 2, 4 API requests, Time elapsed: 61.806s [1/8 done]
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:50:34] [ca505] Done archiving!
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:50:34] [ca505] ---------------------------
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:50:34] [ca505] SUMMARY
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:50:34] [ca505] Total visits for today across archived websites: 395
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:50:34] [ca505] Archived today's reports for 8 websites
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:50:34] [ca505] Archived week/month/year for 8 websites
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:50:34] [ca505] Skipped 0 websites: no new visit since the last script execution
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:50:34] [ca505] Skipped 0 websites day archiving: existing daily reports are less than 1800 seconds old
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:50:34] [ca505] Skipped 0 websites week/month/year archiving: existing periods reports are less than 3600 seconds old
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:50:34] [ca505] Total API requests: 32
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:50:34] [ca505] done: 8/8 100%, 395 vtoday, 8 wtoday, 8 wperiods, 32 req, 208820 ms, no error
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:50:34] [ca505] Time elapsed: 208.831s
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:50:34] [ca505] ---------------------------
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:50:34] [ca505] SCHEDULED TASKS
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:50:34] [ca505] Starting Scheduled tasks...
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:50:36] [ca505]  No task to run
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:50:36] [ca505] done
INFO CoreConsole[2014-04-24 11:50:36] [ca505] ---------------------------

Issue #5043 has been submitted.