Unable to download Piwik


I downloaded piwik-latest.zip but the archive seems to be corrupted. I had someone else try to download it on their machine as well and they have the same problem.

Is there an alternate download link somewhere?


@cwgorman which operating system do you use? which browser?

Chrome on Windows 8

The other user has Chrome on Mac.

Ok, could you please try this file and see if it works for you on Chrome on Windows?

PS: please post message here to say if it worked or not it will really help me :slight_smile:

That link works fine for me, thank you!

I tried the regular link at home and it seems to work OK, so maybe it’s some weird firewall issue at my work. The download seems to cut out early; instead of downloading the entire 9.5MB, it finishes at around 3MB.


Thanks for the follow up! I’ve changed the link in the software and on the website. Change piwik URL to builds.piwik.org/piwik.zip · Issue #4455 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub