GeoIP Auto Updater fails to unzip the downloaded file

The GeoIP database isn’t automatically updated for a while, and there is this error each time in the log of the archive.php cron task :

Error: GeoIPAutoUpdater: failed to unzip ‘**********/piwik/misc/GeoIPCity.dat.dat.gz’ after downloading ‘’: The downloaded file is not a valid GeoIP database. Please re-check the URL or download the file manually.

I don’t understand why, the URL seems correct using a browser. What’s happens ?

I have had this error and more recently I have received:

There is an error. Please report the message (Piwik 2.4.1) and full backtrace in the Piwik forums
Warning: rename(C:\piwik/misc/,C:\piwik/misc/GeoIPCity.dat) function.rename: The proces cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (code: 32) in C:\piwik\plugins\UserCountry\GeoIPAutoUpdater.php on line 268.

Nobody has any idea ?

I have also my php_error.log full of this errors
Can we do anything to prevent it.

I assume that tracking in other apache threads causes that lock and so the updater needs to temp disable accesses to this file during update process.
But how todo?

    <strong>There is an error. Please report the message (Piwik 2.4.1)
    and full backtrace in the <a href='?module=Proxy&action=redirect&url=' target='_blank'>Piwik forums</a> (please do a Search first as it might have been reported already!).<br /><br/>
    Warning:</strong> <em>rename(D:\Sites\piwik/misc/,D:\Sites\piwik/misc/GeoIPCity.dat) [<a href='function.rename'>function.rename</a>]: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (code: 32)</em> in <strong>D:\Sites\piwik\plugins\UserCountry\GeoIPAutoUpdater.php</strong> on line <strong>268</strong>

Backtrace -->

#0 Piwik\Error::errorHandler(…) called at [:]

#1 rename(…) called at [D:\Sites\piwik\plugins\UserCountry\GeoIPAutoUpdater.php:268]

Same problem with rename (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (code: 32)).
File not deleted, GeoIPCity.dat not created. As result — geo location stops working :frowning:
So I can’t use auto update of geo ip, updating manually for now.

Piwik 2.14.13, windows server 2008, php 5.6.8 via IIS 7.