Linking issue? Completely revamped my homepage! HELP

I installed PIWIK on website that I am in early stages of creating. I linked it to the homepage without realizing that it would become a log-in page for PIWIK. I went in and changed the domain link to a page that I hadn’t created on my wordpress account. This then showed up:

The website is “” and it should be a template design, now all this yellow and red text! Can someone please tell me how to get thie PIWIK gone? I tried to uninstall it but it wouldn’t work. Below is the message I have on my homepage of the website:

There is an error. Please report the message (Piwik 2.0.3) and full backtrace in the Piwik forums (please do a Search first as it might have been reported already!).

Warning: preg_match(): Unknown modifier ‘t’ in /home3/prestiy3/public_html/core/Url.php on line 248

Backtrace -->

#0 Piwik\Error::errorHandler(…) called at [:]
#1 preg_match(…) called at [/home3/prestiy3/public_html/core/Url.php:248]
#2 Piwik\Url::isValidHost(…) called at [/home3/prestiy3/public_html/core/Url.php:294]
#3 Piwik\Url::getHost(…) called at [/home3/prestiy3/public_html/core/Url.php:340]
#4 Piwik\Url::getCurrentHost(…) called at [/home3/prestiy3/public_html/core/Url.php:101]
#5 Piwik\Url::getCurrentUrlWithoutFileName(…) called at [/home3/prestiy3/public_html/core/SettingsPiwik.php:183]
#6 Piwik\SettingsPiwik::getPiwikUrl(…) called at [/home3/prestiy3/public_html/core/FrontController.php:383]
#7 Piwik\FrontController->init(…) called at [/home3/prestiy3/public_html/index.php:61]