Monitor events and generate reports video views each video


Have an institutional government website that I maintain here and bought the fight to get the google analytics and migrate to piwik! However I found a deadlock. I have several videos into HTML5 that are displayed in a playlist, and the User wants to generate reports of how many hits each video have throughout the day!

Noticed that the API is monitoring events such as Play, Pause, and so on.

But I am not able to configure!

Could you give me assistance on this issue?

Urgently awaits!

Hello, please consider tracking the Video events with Event Tracking which is similar to Google analytics event tracking.

Thanks for the support!

My doubt is the following! Say you have two videos on one page, how do I know how many hits (play) had every video?

Where I insert this code? TrackEvent (category, action, [name], [value])

Would provide an example of this code inserted in a page?

kind regards

we don’t have yet have good examples I believe. It works like google analytics code basically…

I’ve created a ticket to document it properly: Provide use case and code example for Event Tracking · Issue #6007 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub

Hi if you look at how video and GA is integrated in brightcove as an example, I think it will help you structure how you track video metrics.

The issue here is how the player(s) on the page is setup(depends on your system) once that is establish you could have 10 videos on a page and get reports on each and everyone individually or as a group.

To be honest I havent integrated it in piwik myself but in GA it can be setup very succefully and allow you a whole slew of video based analytics.

good luck.

We now have a Media Analytics plugin that tracks Videos & Audio!

More information is available here: The plugin gives useful insights into media / video / audio analytics and adds many new reports, widgets and segments to Piwik.

Works with HTML5 video & audio, Vimeo and YouTube out of the box. Support for other players can be added easily and is documented in the developer docs. We are also happy to add support for more players upon request, please ping us. After installation the plugin will in most cases directly start tracking data see the setup guide

For a full list of features check out . Docs are available at FAQ, User Guide, Developer docs