Installation is in loop

Hi everyone,

So we have a website on Azure. I created and linked a ClearDB MySQL server for the purpose of piwik. And I installed piwik directly via FTP to our www root directoy / piwik.

After launching the installation by going to oursite/piwik it informed me that we fulfill all the requirements, then I filled in the MySQL access data. Database was created successfully. I made a superuser account, I set up the website I was going to track. Step no 8 “Success” showed up on my screen.

PROBLEM After clicking the last button on the step 8 page I didn’t see the piwik dashboard but the installation started all over. Except this time it skipped steps 5, 6 and 7. And after clicking the button on step 8 it started all over again.

Has anyone before experienced something similar? Do you guys have any idea why this might be happening? Thanks for your help!

Hi there,

this is maybe the first time I hear this bug, interesting. Not sure what could cause this besides maybe that your config/ directory is not writable by Piwik and config file cannot be created?

do you mind creating a bug report at: Issues · matomo-org/piwik · GitHub

maybe others will see it better in the issue tracker.