FIleSize Check on Installation


when i wanted to install piwik for a new website I got an error, that a filesize-check is not ok (german):

“Unterschiedliche Dateigröße: /usr/www/users/xxxxx/piwik/libs/bower_components/jquery.scrollTo/jquery.scrollTo.min.js (erwartete Größe: 2712, gefunden: 2706)”

I uploaded the file again and again, using WinSCP (SFTP and FTP) and FileZilla, but always got the same error. I have no more ideas what to do. Just editing the file and making it some bytes larger, didn’t help either. The check seems to be too complex for such a simple workaround-trick.

And idea what to do or where is the root of this error?

Yours sincerely

the file was saved with wrong line-endings (\n instead of \r\n)

you can fix it by opening it with notepad++ for example then hit CTRL+S, go to tab replace, enabl extended mode, search for \n replace with \r\n

see screenshot

I’ve got the same problem. Could you explain the solution to me as if I’m five?

I have the same issues. I am using Mac. Please help.

File size mismatch: /hermes/bosoraweb106/b1622/XXX/piwik/libs/bower_components/jquery.scrollTo/jquery.scrollTo.min.js (expected length: 2712, found: 2706)
File size mismatch: /hermes/bosoraweb106/b1622/XXX/piwik/libs/pChart/class/pData.class.php (expected length: 31449, found: 30661)
File size mismatch: /hermes/bosoraweb106/b1622/XXX/piwik/libs/pChart/class/pDraw.class.php (expected length: 327671, found: 321446)
File size mismatch: /hermes/bosoraweb106/b1622/XXX/piwik/libs/pChart/class/pImage.class.php (expected length: 20477, found: 19996)
File size mismatch: /hermes/bosoraweb106/b1622/XXX/piwik/libs/pChart/class/pPie.class.php (expected length: 67069, found: 65570)
File size mismatch: /hermes/bosoraweb106/b1622/XXX/piwik/libs/pChart/GPLv3.txt (expected length: 35823, found: 35148)
File size mismatch: /hermes/bosoraweb106/b1622/iXXX/piwik/vendor/monolog/monolog/.php_cs (expected length: 801, found: 786)


I solved the issue by changing the transfer file type of my FTP client to ‘Binary’.
Hope this will help.