An unexpected website was found, check idSite in the request

Since last update, I keep getting this error in a few of my multiple Piwik installations:

Error in Piwik (tracker): An unexpected website was found, check idSite in the request.

I checked to ensure that the default site that is the existing one, and in some instances, there’s one site only anyway. It is true that there were multiple which got deleted over the time.

Only once there was an error that said:

Invalid idSite: ‘0’

The existing site is of ID 1.

Youe help is appreciated.

Thank you

Hi there,

can you try our latest Piwik beta versions? this issue should be fixed already: I would like to test early beta and RC releases, how do I enable automatic updates to use these development versions? - Analytics Platform - Matomo

In piwik I got this error : Error in Piwik (tracker): An unexpected website was found, check idSite in the request In php-error log file since few days, so i trace this error in iis logs for the unexpected site id but i can not find any unexpected website. I am using piwik 2.10.0.
Is there any other reason except this error.

please help me for best guide.


please upgrade to the latest Piwik as your version is very old