MYSQL Setup Error! Please help!

Hi Piwik Ninjas,

I am trying to set up Piwik on my Mac to monitor our website and I am getting stuck at Mysql installation. I am running php, mysql et al on my Mac running OSX Yosemite. But I get the error…

Error while trying to connect to the database server: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused

I was able to CREATE the recommended DB user, the database and grant all the required ROLES to this user in mysql. When I login to mysql as this user I can see the piwik database when I do a ‘show databases’ command.

ANY help is appreciated!



Some problem as cbtmasters
(Error while trying to connect to the database serverconfused smileyQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused)

1- Mysql Version ?
2- are you trying to acess local (DB in same machine as Piwik or remotely) ?
3- See if everything is OK with you users,
select user,host,char_length(password) from mysql.user
4- Crosscheck the latest info with what you’ve stated in (config.ini.php)
5- Using the info in the config.ini.php try to
mysql -h [hostname] -u [username] -p[password] -D [dbname]
6- at this time comment

J. Meirim