Track Ticket 2616 unit test

Here is the unit test diff for ticket 2616 that couldn’t be uploaded to Trac.

Index: Common.test.php
--- Common.test.php	(revision 5078)
+++ Common.test.php	(working copy)
@@ -752,6 +752,14 @@
 			// Google Images (advanced search)
 				=> array('name' => 'Google Images', 'keywords' => 'book'),
+			//Google Shopping
+			',or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=f6d0fcb4d80942ce&biw=1024&bih=578'
+				=> array('name' => 'Google Shopping', 'keywords' => 'inflatable beer pong rack'),
 			// Google cache

That’s not a likely referrer URL as the anchor/hash #… is usually excluded from the request.