jqPlotter and sparklines don't work when using widgets with segmentation

I did a clean installation of Piwik and started to play with the widgets tool. Everything works perfect with the widgets tool but seems to break apart when I combine it with segmentation. Is anyone else having this issue?

Basically–the jqPlot and sparklines don’t show up as expected. In addition, when I try to click on a sparkline to display on the jqPlot it doesn’t work.

Here’s an example that works perfectly fine WITHOUT segmentation:


Here’s an example WITH segmentation:


Just wanted to add that I tried including the token_auth to see if it would make any difference and no difference in output…

Thanks I added a note in the related ticket: Segmentation: implement UI for adding/editing segments, and switching segments · Issue #2135 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub

Happy New Year! If you are still using Piwik and interested in the awesome new feature of “Creating a Custom Segment in Piwik and apply to reports in Real time!” we need YOUR help, with a little or big donation at: http://crowdfunding.piwik.org/custom-segments-editor/

This will allow to dynamically add or edit, a new set of rules for example “Show all visitors from USA and using Firefox and using Google”. This will be done via a simple to use interface. See screenshots and more info here: http://crowdfunding.piwik.org/custom-segments-editor/

We are crowd funding the future of Piwik and this feature in particular. With your help we can do it.

