Images breaking inside iframe widgets?

Hello there,

When im logged in to piwiks backend the images show just fine in the iframe widget on anohter page (im using the token code) but when i logout they disapear?

Is there i way this can be fixed? Please help.

Known bug: Dashboard & Sparklines should work when embedded with token_auth · Issue #1353 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub

Thanks for the reply, but the patch didn’t solve my problem…

Anyone else?

I am using the dashboard iframe with Piwik 1.12. The dashboard has the user’s token_auth, but the images being retreived for the goals overview widget does not use it as a parameter.

Is this still an open issue?

Anybody else seeing this?

Update to 2.0 beta : 301 Moved Permanently

where this bug should be fixed!

I upgraded to Piwik 2.0-b2. Unfortunately, this has not solved the issue.

Also, I am seeing a couple display issues within the embedded dashboard.

Thanks for the reports!

I fixed the encoding in live widget at: Adding missing |raw to money metrics to avoid double encoding · matomo-org/matomo@abe8ba1 · GitHub

the other full screen menu bug will be fixed as part of: Regression: full screen embed dashboard shows Menu behind calendar · Issue #4234 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub

Sparklines not loading: fixed in Fixes #4264 When embedding the custom dashboard using &token_auth, ap… · matomo-org/matomo@4f1128e · GitHub

if you find more please let me know

Awesome, thanks a lot matt!