Piwik 1.8 TrackerApi (PiwikTracker.php) don't record the ClientIP correctly

I’ve implemented the PiwikTracker.php in my website and now the correct client IP wouldn’t be recorded (or shown) inside the Piwik Dashboard. - - [02/Jun/2012:12:44:17 +0200] "GET /piwik.php?idsite=4&rec=1&apiv=1&r=614764&[b]cip=[/b]&_id=671edb53f8b79890&res=1600x1400&url=http%3A%2F%2Freisen.blaufotograph.de%2F&urlref=http%3A%2F%2Freisen.blaufotograph.de%2Firland%2Firland_2008%2Firland.php&action_name=Title%3A+reisen.index HTTP/1.1" 200 43 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0"

Inside the Dashboard the request will be shown as following:

Sa 2 Jun - 12:28:21
Provider: Hosteurope 	  [Deutschland, Provider Hosteurope]   [Firefox 12.0 with plugins enabled]   [Linux, 1600x1400 (normal)]  
Direkte Zugriffe
	4 Aktionen - 15 Minuten 57s

    Title: reisen.irland_2008
    http://reisen.blaufotograph.de/irland/irland_2008/irland.php 3x
    Title: reisen.index

Could you please give me a hint what i could do ? Do i have make some mistakes using the tracking api ?

I found a older thread, where the same issue was discussed, and someone wrote, that this should be fixed ??

using cip parameter to force the IP you also need to use token_auth to do the request authentication

using cip parameter to force the IP you also need to use token_auth to do the request authentication[/quote]
Hi Matt, thank you for the hint. It works now.

I found this german thread, which explaines this too: 301 Moved Permanently

In the PiwikTracker.php i found, that setting using the setIP function is a security constraint.

public function setIp($ip)
    	$this->ip = $ip;
     * Forces the requests to be recorded for the specified Visitor ID
     * rather than using the heuristics based on IP and other attributes.
     * This is typically used with the Javascript getVisitorId() function.
     * Allowed only for Super User, must be used along with setTokenAuth().
	 * Set tracking_requests_require_authentication = 0 in config.ini.php [Tracker] section
	 * to change this security constraint.
     * @see setTokenAuth()
     * @param string $visitorId 16 hexadecimal characters visitor ID, eg. "33c31e01394bdc63"

Could you give me hint, why this is a security constraint?? Or a link?

Additionally i’am not happy, while configuring a token with admin rights inside my php script. Is there any other way? It is possible to set the AuthToken for a user without admin rights ?

Thank you very much.

we removed this notice, and recommend to use token_auth and keep it secret

we removed this notice, and recommend to use token_auth and keep it secret[/quote]

Hi Matt, thanks again.

But i would like to ask once more.

Is it really necessary to have admin rights to use token_auth? Maybe it is also possible to have a special right for this??
Maybe you could create a role for this usecase? For example a role “token_auth_right”, or a special entry inside the config.ini.php, which user is allowed to do the token_auth for setting the client ip ? I’am not really happy to see, there is a user with admin rights, for only setting the client ip.

Maybe it is possible to think about this.

Thank you for your help.

Kind regards, towerlexa

That’s a good point, we could create a new role for this, please create a ticket for the feature request :slight_smile: