Default website

It would be great if piwik created a “default website” upon initial install.

At install time, piwik already knows it’s URL. It could create a website to match, and automatically install the tracking code into each of the piwik pages. This would allow you to immediately have a default site, that shows how a users piwik install is being used/navigated.

This could do several things, but the two most important aspects (in my opinion) would be:
#1) Allow new users to see a decently configured site
#2) Allow organizations to see how their various teams are consuming the metrics/analytics that piwik is recording and generating. This could potentially allow an organization to improve training in using piwik, or focus on areas of analytics that are being underutilized.

yes, I agree with you. There should be a default website url like Google Analytic, So as the default page setup. As some domains and website have default page as home.html , index.html or with other extensions and names.