Generating (or retrieving) visitor profile ID?

I’ve been reading up on the API for the new Visitor Profile feature in Piwik 2, but I’m a little confused about how the IDs work. I’m assuming that a unique cookie is generated for a visitor if one doesn’t exist, which is then tracked through their hits… but is it possible that can I generate the visitor ID’s myself and pass that ID to the tracking code, rather than Piwik generating the visitor ID, so that I can link the ID to my own member database?

The Live.getVisitorProfile API takes a visitorId but there’s no indication on how one should actually get that ID. Any advice would be appreciated.


It’s possible to set the Visitor ID yourself, but right now it’s slightly tricky to do this when using Piwik.js
It’s do-able easily using the Http tracking API.

We want to make this easy & possible, within few weeks. See this ticket Accurate User Detection cross devices: User ID (set in JS and all other clients) · Issue #3490 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub
or consider sponsor our time to work on this if you can!