Piwik on IIS / Windows Server 2003/2008/2012

Is it possible to run piwik on IIS (with PHP enabled)?

or We have to have the linux, apache, php, mysql family to run piwik?


I found the answer from one of the FAQ’s. That’s pointing to the Web App Gallery, which is done through Web Installer by Microsoft. It is forcing to install the following softwares as dependency.

RunPHP Helper - Required
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 Tools - Not sure
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 SP1 Scripting Tools - Not sure
Microsoft SQL Server Compact Latest Scripting Tools - Not sure
Microsoft Visual CLR Types for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (x86) - Not sure
Web Deploy 3.5 - 2013 - Not sure
SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x86) only - Not sure
Microsoft WebMatrix 3 - Not sure
PHP 5.3.24 for IIS Express - Required

Which of the above are really required for Piwik to run v/s pushed by Microsoft as products? I have marked the one I think are required, but not sure of the others, please help.


Yes Piwik works on IIS

Yes, That is clear from the FAQ, but the products listed above are a must for Piwik to run? I have removed all the products after installation except the one where I have specified Required and it seems to be working as the System check is passing. Although the data isn’t recorded (another thread I have created for this) - but may not be related to the removal of products above.


Only IIS + Php + Mysql should be required

Thank you so much. Instead of localhost, I took the risk on the live website directly and it’s working like a charm. Good job you guys.