Tracking downloads from RSS feed of website

I have a load of podcast content that is read via RSS - because there is no javascript execution on the RSS file or the files that are then read via the RSS I can’t used google analytics for this (which I have always used for everthing else).

I had an idea I could use PIWIK - with an additional bit of code to parse the webserver log and add events for the XML, MP3 and other non-javascriptable files - so integrating them into the reporting.

There won’t be session cookies - and I don’t know if (say) iTunes caches everything so it won’t be seen on the server anyway(?)…

But what do the people here think?

Thanks in advance!

Hi there,

I had an idea I could use PIWIK - with an additional bit of code to parse the webserver log and add events for the XML, MP3 and other non-javascriptable files - so integrating them into the reporting.

It’s a great idea. But please check out the project Log Analytics:

it would be awesome if you can add support to parse more log formats! we love for this tool to become the universal log files parser