WARNING: /usr/share/piwik/core/Tracker/TableLogAction/Cache.php(42): Notice - Undefined index: segments_subquery_cache_ttl - Piwik 2.15.0

WARNING: /usr/share/piwik/core/Tracker/TableLogAction/Cache.php(42): Notice - Undefined index: segments_subquery_cache_ttl - Piwik 2.15.0


WARNING: /usr/share/piwik/core/Tracker/TableLogAction/Cache.php(41): Notice - Undefined index: segments_subquery_cache_limit - Piwik 2.15.0


WARNING: /usr/share/piwik/core/Tracker/TableLogAction/Cache.php(40): Notice - Undefined index: enable_segments_subquery_cache - Piwik 2.15.0

while try to create Segments with


the Segments have only the first line with entrypageurl contain … the rest is empty.

Hi there, re-upload the file config/global.ini.php which was not uploade properly

Works, thank you very much matthieu.