What is a Unique Pageview?

I have 9884 Unique Pageviews and 12940 Pageviews over a given time period.

That equates to 1.3 pageviews per unique {visitor}?

Yet, when I look at the graph that outlines pages per visit, 66% of my visitors are over 1 page. 21% are over 10 pages.

So how do I interpret this?

a unique page view is commonly calculated as the first time a specific IP address visits your site. If the same person visits 5 times from the same IP it will show as 1 unique and 5 total views

Yeah, so again, how do I interpret my statistics?

If a Unique Pageview is by IP, shouldn’t my Pageviews be a lot higher? Or my pages per visit a lot lower?

Also, as per your definition, shouldn’t Unique Pageviews be universal across your site.

the first time a specific IP address visits your site

Unless you would rephrase that to: “unique IP per page” instead of “site”

a unique page view is commonly calculated as the first time a specific IP address visits your site. If the same person visits 5 times from the same IP it will show as 1 unique and 5 total views[/quote]

Additionally, why are my Unique Pageviews (or unique IPs) much higher than my Visits? How can that be? I just filtered for the past month and the Unique Pageviews was 5504 and Visits was 1841.

I believe you may be confusing unique pageviews with unique visitors.

And, kendrastar88, if I might so bold as to correct you, a unique page view is commonly calculated as the first time a specific IP address visits your site is false. They’re not the same.

Nor is a unique pageview the equivalent to a unique IP visiting your site. IP would be a visitor. Those two may be equated, but I won’t get into exceptions to keep this simple.

A unique pageview is better defined as the first time an IP/visitor hits the particular page in question. As a visitor, I may have been to your site many times and not hit every single page you have. So when I return, and hit a new page, this is counted as a unique pageview despite my having visited your site several times before

alxvallejo, when you indicate 66% of my visitors are over 1 page. 21% are over 10 pages this is quite possibly correct depending on the volume of pages your site offers up.

Also, when you indicate my Unique Pageviews was 5504 and Visits was 1841 which would indicate you had 1841 visits, each resulting in approx. 2.989 or ~3 unique pageviews per visit on average. Absolutely nothing wrong with those metrics. I’m assuming these numbers are from a different period than your original question.

Lastly, to address your very first question, I have 9884 Unique Pageviews and 12940 Pageviews over a given time period, there is nothing I can see wrong with those metrics either. This simply indicates for each unique pageview (ie: a unique visitor having hit a page for the very first time), individuals are revisiting your pages 1.309 times again on average.

Perhaps some research into the terms involved in website analytics may clear up some confusion? :wink:



unique pageview is calculated per visit.
if a visitor views a specific page 5 times during 2 visits, it counts 2 unique page views.

Hi all,
Can you clarify further? If I visit a specific page and go to that same page in a new tab in my same browser does this now count my visit as 2 visits (2 unique page views)?

Maybe the Piwik Analytics Glossary is useful?

Unique Pageviews

The number of visits that included this page. If a page
was viewed multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.

nb_uniq_pageviews (API)

In Google Analytics, a page view is a single viewing of a Web page… This means that any time the page is loaded by the user’s browser, the number of page views is incremented… If a user visits the same page multiple times within a single session, each viewing of the page will add to its page view count… Also, if the user refreshes the page in their browser, this counts as a new page view….… For this reason, page views are sometimes seen as being of limited significance… For example, if the same user views the same page five times as part of a single session, this is different from five users viewing that page independently…

Hi all,
What are unique page views and page views? And what are unique visits and visits?
I’m in a confusion.

i have a question
as you may know ,many internet providers using NAT solution to re mapping ip static to public IP. i need to know unique pageview counting ipublic ip or ip static ?

As I understand it:

A visit is when someone visits your website. It will count as one visit as long as the user keeps an active session. (Which, I think happens by default if the user performs a new action within 15 minutes).
This means if a user visits the website in the morning. Then revisits the website in the evening. This user will have caused 2 visits.

The unique visits will go up by one when a visit occurs by a new user.

A pageview is whenever someone visits a page. If you would reload it, an extra page view would occur.

A unique pageview will go up by one if there is a pageview in a visit. If there are multiple pageviews in the same visit it will not go up multiple times. However, if there are multiple pageviews in the same unique visit, but in seperate visits, it will go up.

I guess a unique visitor, causing a unique pageview is also only counted once even when its IP changes, given that cookies are used, so that there is a single visitor profile which includes all pageviews in question, right?

Right: if Matomo can identify a user thanks to the cookie or thanks to the user ID, the count of unique visitors won’t take the IP into account…

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Makes sense, thank for clarifying :slightly_smiling_face:.

Unique pageview is calculated per visit.
if a visitor views a specific page 5 times during 2 visits, it counts 2 unique page views.

As this thread is attracting many off-topic posts, I have to close it.

If you want to continue this discussion, feel free to open a new thread and link here for reference.