Different dates for different metrics

Hi Friends,
Is it possible to set a different date or range for tracking, for different type of metrics? Here’s an example. Yesterday my site showed the biggest jump in visitors from one day to the next, since almost ever. Such a big jump that I want to investigate further. (Hopefully it’s not the start of this problem again: Flood of visitors!)

So I opened the Visitor Log, only to find that it’s just showing today’s visits, only since midnight. I need to see yesterday and maybe even a few days before that. So I clicked in date area, and changed tracking from day to week. So that was what I needed. But when I went back to the Dashboard, now it shows the results in all the widgets for the last week. Not only that, but it changed the tracking on my whole other site, whole other domain, to the week range.

1 – Is there any way to have a different date range for tracking, for different metrics? Like if I set a week for the Visitor Log, but still have the Visitor Map and Referring Websites and maybe even Real Time Visits, (and any other widgets on the dashboard) still showing for only today?

2 – If it’s not possible now, would it be realistic enough to make a feature request?

Oh wait! Just like for the day range, which only shows since midnight, the week range only shows yesterday and and the day before (Sun and Mon). Now I need to show a month. Wait, no that won’t work. Saturday was the first of the month. I guess I’ll have to change it to a year, so I can look at last week!!

Does that make sense??? My site’s not very big, but still, I suspect a year’s worth of Visitor Log will be too much to display

3 – Would it be possible to change the tracking range from ‘since midnight’ or since Sunday’ or ‘since the first of the month’; to last 24 hours, last week, last month, all relative to now rather than the first hour of day, week, month, etc.?

4 – And likewise, if not possible, would it be worth a feature request?

Actually I’m still using version 2.15, but would gladly upgrade, if any of these features are available.

Also you might need to know that I’m not a very technical or technologically inclined user. From what little I understand, I guess there is a way to have custom logs created. But I don’t know how to do that. Although if there is a tutorial for users like me, who can’t write scripts, I wouldn’t mind learning how.

Thank you very much,