Pages Export- Only first 100 rows are exported


I want to export pages for 2014 to excel with each individual page showed up. So I tried to format the table to “Flat” style by clicking “Make it flat”, and then did a data export. There were more than 800 rows in the table, but only 100 lines displayed in the excel. Could anyone help explain why there are only 100 lines exported? Is it a feature of Piwik or a bug? Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,
Zhang Yajiao

Ok, I finally found out how to solve this. There’s a parameter called “filter_limit” and it defines the number of rows to be returned. Set to -1 to return all rows. By default, only the top 100 rows are returned. I copied the tsv link and change the filter_limit=-1, then all rows are exported. :slight_smile:

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I had the same problem.
Thanks for the solution Zhang_Yajiao

You find the “filter_limit” at the end of the link.



It is documented here:

filter_limit; defines the number of rows to be returned. Set to -1 to return all rows. By default, only the top 100 rows are returned.