Undefined class constant 'self::TYPE_NUMBER'

Undefined class constant ‘self::TYPE_NUMBER’


Can you provide more details? Where does the error occor? What version of Piwik are you using? What PHP version are you using? PHP5.6 or newer?

Hi together,

@Lukas I’ve got same issue when I updated to 3.2.0, so the current version. I am running Piwik with PHP7.1. The error logs are pretty empty. The error occured right after updating. I also cleaned caches.

Best regards

Could you maybe try restarting the web server in case there is some other cache which was not cleared?

Hi @matthieu, sadly I can’t … my webspace is running on another virtual web space. I also tried ./console core:clear-cache but didn’t help. Maybe it helps to delete tmp/?

I’m simply trying to get the package installed on my AWS webserver so i can begin analytics

I am RDPed into my Windows EC2 instance and trying to get logged into PiWik, but i get that error.

An error occurred
Undefined class constant ‘self::TYPE_DATETIME’

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Hi @sjt and @GinoHereIam

Can you check your PHP error log if there are more datails about the error? e.g what line in which file does the error occur?

WTH :smiley: it suddenly works. Anyway thanks for your support. :metal: :+1:

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Hi all,

I just get the same issue: ( upgrade from 3.0.0 to 3.3.0 )
I have the 1st return: login.whitelist.ips

next I have Undefined class constant 'self::TYPE_TEXT’
and now I on homepage I have this message error:
An error occurred
Undefined class constant ‘self::TYPE_TEXT’

on logs:
Error in Piwik: Undefined class constant 'self::TYPE_TEXT'

do you know the root of issue,
I put my folder under 777, and reboot the server

issue is stil there

do you have one idea?