After update to 1.6 tracking stopped working

1.6 works fine for many of us, but not for you unfortunately and we still don’t know why (so it will not be fixed)

Perfectly understandable. But it sucks and is infuriating nonetheless.

Alternatively send me SSH access to your piwik if you can :slight_smile: (I would like to fix it of course!)

How can I download version 1.5.1 ? apparently I have the same problem: no update using the javascript tracking code and all tracking good instead using the image tracking code.
I opened a separate thread for the problem but I think downgrading to 1.5.1 could be a solution.

There is a releases archive link available on the front page (url=;O=D)

Edited: The forum software can not parse the link inside the [ url = ] tag.

Just wanted to chip in and say I experienced exactly the same.

Even removing piwik altogether, creating a new database, disabling firewalls, did not solve the problem.

As a last ditch effort I installed Piwik 1.7b5 and the problem persists.

It must be some external factor that causes this problem.


arch Linux x86_64
apache 2.2.21-1
php 5.3.8-5
tomcat6 6.0.33-4

Wordpress 3.2.1
plugins installed:
core control
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved
Dokuwiki Release 2011-05-25a “Rincewind”

edgar, was Piwik working for you before, and after the update it does not work anymore?

Are you hosting on your own server or using hostgator or something else?

Most likely there will be some information in the error logs.

Alternatively, if there is no error in the error logs, and you are confident error logging works, then the problem could be in the Javascript code, or it could be a mod_security enabled, or any other. if you can’t find the cause of your problems, after looking at this FAQ: Troubleshooting - Analytics Platform - Matomo

Then contact me by email with bug description, how to reproduce, piwik url / login&pwd, if possible FTP login/pwd to edit piwik files and debug, and I will investigate and we will find the fix. Email at matt att

Thanks for the quick reply.

Piwik worked perfectly with version 1.5. Stopped working immediately when upgrading to 1.6. Piwik is now upgraded to 1.7b5.

My vps is hosted on

mod_security is not enabled and I’m running my own firewall.

The /var/log/httpd/error_logs does not reveal anything piwik related (error logging is enabled in php.ini) - even when enabling piwik debugging no errors are apparent (perhaps I’m not looking for the right thing) in firebug.

I have sent you a mail with the login details.

Tried to migrate to a new host but tracking stopped working altogether. No errors, no warnings, no nothing!

Edgar, I researched the problem and it seems that there is a column missing in log_visit (location_provider)
-> please try disable provider plugin.

Niklas, are you sure there is no error in webserver files? What do your tracking requests return when you look with firebug as per Tracking API - Analytics Platform - Matomo

This is what is sent, the response is empty (except for the server saying 200 OK).

_id 32c2bff3f8ca59c9
_idn 1
_idts 1324028149
_idvc 1
_refts 0
_viewts 1324028149
action_name KFUM Sverige
ag 0
cookie 0
dir 0
fla 0
gears 0
h 10
idsite 43
java 1
m 35
pdf 0
qt 1
r 494997
realp 0
rec 1
res 2560x1440
s 49
wma 0

Edit: I have access to the apache error logs and they show nothing related to the piwik server, in fact the only thing there is a few notices where apache2: Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name…

You know what? I think we might just start from scratch, delete as much data as possible and then set things up again to try to avoid all this pain. However, there are two things I want to save: The site ID:s and users and that data. Can I empty all tables except prefix_site and prefix_user?

Did you enable debug as per: Tracking API - Analytics Platform - Matomo

then look at the response in firebug? There should be some text for sure…

If you want to reinstall, you can install piwik from scratch, then import the _site and _user and _access and _site_url tables…

Somehow skipped over that part, sorry. With debug enabled it still sends an empty response.

Visiting the url manually gives:

array (
  'idsite' => 1,
  'visitor_localtime' => '07:19:47',
  'idvisitor' => 'dc20e458c566dfda',
  'visitor_returning' => 1,
  'visitor_count_visits' => 27,
  'visitor_days_since_last' => 0,
  'visitor_days_since_order' => 0,
  'visitor_days_since_first' => 8,
  'visit_first_action_time' => '2011-12-17 06:20:33',
  'visit_last_action_time' => '2011-12-17 06:20:33',
  'visit_entry_idaction_url' => 226,
  'visit_entry_idaction_name' => 259,
  'visit_exit_idaction_url' => 226,
  'visit_exit_idaction_name' => 259,
  'visit_total_actions' => 1,
  'visit_total_time' => '0',
  'visit_goal_converted' => 0,
  'visit_goal_buyer' => 0,
  'referer_type' => 3,
  'referer_name' => '',
  'referer_url' => '',
  'referer_keyword' => '',
  'config_id' => 'a6ff311ceec6bcf5',
  'config_os' => 'MAC',
  'config_browser_name' => 'SF',
  'config_browser_version' => '5.1',
  'config_resolution' => '2560x1440',
  'config_pdf' => 1,
  'config_flash' => 0,
  'config_java' => 1,
  'config_director' => 0,
  'config_quicktime' => 1,
  'config_realplayer' => 0,
  'config_windowsmedia' => 0,
  'config_gears' => 0,
  'config_silverlight' => 0,
  'config_cookie' => 1,
  'location_ip' => '¬' . "\0" . '',
  'location_browser_lang' => 'sv-se',
  'location_country' => 'se',
  'location_provider' => 'compute.internal',
array (
  'idvisit' => '1851',
  'idsite' => 1,
  'idvisitor' => 'Ü äXÅfßÚ',
  'server_time' => '2011-12-17 06:20:33',
  'idaction_url' => 226,
  'idaction_name' => 259,
  'idaction_url_ref' => 0,
  'idaction_name_ref' => 0,
  'time_spent_ref_action' => 0,
COOKIE piwik_visitor, rows count: 0, cookie size = 0 bytes array ( )
-> Scheduled Tasks: Starting...
array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'task' => 'Piwik_CoreAdminHome.optimizeArchiveTable',
    'output' => 'Time elapsed: 1.844s',
  1 => 
  array (
    'task' => 'Piwik_PrivacyManager.deleteLogTables',
    'output' => 'Time elapsed: 0.000s',
Finished Scheduled Tasks.
Next run will be from: 2011-12-16 19:28:15 UTC
Nothing to notice => default behaviour
End of the page.
array (
  'piwik_auth' => 'login=czo1OiJhZG1pbiI7:token_auth=czozMjoiYjk0MTc0NzVhYTBmOGM4NjI2NmMzNzk2YzYwN2QwYzYiOw==:_=81dfbd5199e18944e02154a80a979dc943c04b81',
Time elapsed: 2.003s

Is that all that comes back in the response? there should definitely be o ther text at the start…

Try visit the site!

Sorry Niklas I didn’t look properly at history, you said that visits are tracked, but now showing in Visitor Log… this is strange. If there’s no way for you to send me ssh or sftp acccess to piwik files I’m not sure how to help from here :frowning:

I created the missing column manually using the mysql command line:

mysql> use ;
mysql> alter table piwik_log_visit add column location_provider varchar (20);

This has solved the problem.

For some reason this column is not created when setting up piwik. What happens when updating is another question altogether.

Ok, Provider.php is supposed to create the location_provider column but for some reason does not (in my case anyway).

Looking at the code here the correct sql command to create the missing column would be:

mysql> alter table piwik_log_visit add column location_provider varchar (100) NULL;